PaperCut Print Management Solutions

Gain full control of your print environment with PaperCut Print Management Software. PaperCut is a powerful print management solution that allows you to track, manage, and secure your printing, copying and scanning. PaperCut MF allows you to establish print policies to track and control how users are printing and copying in your organization. It can be a simple as giving users a reminder about double-sided print options or restrict their behavior to reduce waste.

Secure Your Printing

PaperCut MF supports end-to-end encryption of everything printing on your network. It also allows you to login with a unique ID, password or pin. This procedure will avoid mixups with document handling or usage records.

Secure Print Release

Secure Print Release increases document security and reduces wasteful, uncollected print jobs. All print jobs sit in a holding state until the user walks up to the MFP and logs in to approve the document release. This avoids confidential documents sitting on the paper tray until users can go to pick it up.

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